Anthony Rihani

Who I Am

I am Anthony Rihani. Currently, I am a junior majoring in Aerospace Engineering and minoring in both Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I plan to graduate in May 2024. I am currently conducting research with Professor Siegfried Eggl. After I graduate, I hope to work as a software developer in the astronautical industry.


One of the biggest goals in my life is to learn as much as I possibly can. I genuinely enjoy learning and want to make the most of the time that I have while I am still a student and have access to certain resources. Unfortunately, I will not be able to take all the classes seem interesting while I am still in school. However, I have taken it upon myself to try and self teach some classes that I may not have time for in my schedule. For some of these classes, I might never find myself in a situation where my understanding of the subject would be pivotal, but I still think it is important that I take the time to really understand the material present and try to learn the subject. I also think being able to teach myself anything without an expert on the topic teaching me and have a reasonable understanding of the topic is an important life skill to have.
I am currently self studying Real Analysis. The text I am studying is Understanding Analysis by Stephen Abbott. The text begins with an introduction of some analytical mathematical topics, such as the irrationality of √2 and the Cantor set. The text then introduces set theory and sequences, with the goal of introducing basic calculus models. The end goal of the text is to rigorously define and prove single variable calculus formulas, models, and theorems.
You can find a complete list of texts and the classes I have self studied here.


When I study by myself, I try to set aside at least 30 minutes per day. Even on my busiest days, I make 30 minutes of time to sit down, read, and take notes. When studying textbooks, 30 minutes is not much time. Sometimes I don't even get through a page or a problem. But by setting aside 30 minutes per day enforces the idea of consistency. If I can consistently study for 30 minutes per day, I will eventually reach my goal of studying and fully understanding the text.
Along with learning, I have many other short-term and long-term goals set for myself. One of my short-term goals is consistent exercise. I have found that consistent exercise has lead to a healthier life for me, both mentally and physically. During the summer when I have the most time, I try to go 5-6 times a week. During school, when I am busy with my studies, my goal is to go at least twice a week so that I can lead a healthy life at school as well as at home.
Some of the longer term goals I have set for myself are in academia. As mentioned, I have a passion for learning, and I don't want to stop pursuing my passion when I graduate from Illinois in 2024. At some point in my life, I want to get my M.S. in Aerospace Engineering and I want to get my M.S. in Computer Science. I also want to pursue my passion for Mathematics and get a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics.


Outside of school, I have plenty of hobbies. One of my goals is consistent exercise, and I try to think of lifting weights as a hobby of mine. I have been lifting since my senior year of high school, and believing mentally that lifting weights is a hobby and something that I enjoy doing helps to motivate me to reach my goal of showing up to the gym as much as possible to lead a healthy life.
I am also an avid baseball fan. Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I was raised as a die-hard White Sox fan. I spend a lot of free time keeping up with the team and watching games, although they have been tough to watch as of late. But in general, I am a baseball fan. I'm always happy to sit down and watch a baseball game, no matter who plays. It is a dream of mine to one day have visited all 30 Major League stadiums to watch a baseball game. Although, I have currently only been to five and have a lot of traveling to do to fulfill my dream.
I also enjoy golfing. Although I am not very good, I try to go at least once a week. It is a great way to "relax" after a long week. It allows me to get some fresh air and take some time away from the computer. I also think that golf is one of the mentally toughest sports, and I think that regularly playing golf helps my mental toughness, and my ability to concentrate on several things at the same time.